By Staff Writer, Lynda Zen
Who wants to sit, dripping and stretching in a literal sweatbox of humanity? No one. At least, no one who knows better. Clinical studies are showing that the ever-popular Hot Yoga trend isn’t all that hot when it comes to your health and well-being. It’s unnatural to intentionally exert yourself into contortions while sitting in the equivalent of a California Pizza Kitchen brick oven.
There’s a better way.
A new Yoga Studio is about to open in the Maynard Park neighborhood, and they are blazing new trails of fitness, but without the heat. The Early Frost Yoga Studio will take an approach to Yoga that is literally the polar opposite of hot yoga. They will be introducing Cold Yoga, and the crowds are shivering with anticipation. In a business move that’s as much practical as it is synergistic and mythical, the Early Frost Yoga Studio will be opening in the space formerly occupied by a Cold Stone Creamery. The Ultimate Ice Cream experience gives way to the ultimate “Ice Scream” experience, with the ingenious incorporation and repurposing of the refrigerated cold stone slab. As Bevan McClure describes it, “the yoga room will be maintained at 30 degrees during all classes, and the cold stone slab will be used during our primal scream yoga ritual. Slightly, but tastefully denuded participants will be ceremoniously lifted and glided onto the slab during the Moon Salutation sequence and encouraged to scream if they feel so compelled.”
Bevan went on to acknowledge that novices to Cold Yoga may have some hesitation to jump in feet first into what some have described as serrated needles of pain. He assures that they will have an introductory beginner’s class that will allow participants to wear survival suits until they become more acclimated to the cold yoga environment. Says Bevan, “the health benefits outweigh the slight risk of hypothermia, and it’s really good for your pores.”